Fully Funded Maastricht University Scholarship 2024-2025 | Apply Now

Maastricht University Scholarship

Maastricht University is delighted to announce the opening of the Maastricht University Scholarship 2024-2025 program for international students to study abroad. Studying in the Netherlands is one of the educational opportunities for applying for this scholarship.

The initiative is generously funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science. It aims to support outstanding international students exhibiting exceptional academic excellence to pursue a graduate program.

Applicants can take comfort in the idea that the Maastricht University Scholarship 2024 is a complete academic funding program. Successful candidates receive comprehensive financial coverage throughout their higher education program. 

Hosted by the renowned Maastricht University in the Netherlands, this scholarship caters to a range of disciplines across faculties, including Arts and Social Sciences, Law, Health, Medicine & Life Sciences, Science and Engineering, Psychology & Neuroscience, and the School of Business and Economics. Also, you may enroll in a Free IELTS Preparation Course for an IELTS Exam.

Scholarship Specifications

  • Host Institutions: Maastricht University.
  • Degree Levels:  Masters.
  • Scholarship Coverage: Fully Funded.
  • Program Period:
    • 13 months for a one-year program.
    • 25 months for a two-year program.
  • Eligible Countries: Non-European Union countries.
  • Host Country: Netherlands.
  • Standardized Test Status: No IELTS, SAT, or GRE are required.
  • Application Fees Status: Free.
  • Deadline: February 1, 2024, 23:59 Central Europe Time.

Scholarship Coverage

The following are the financial benefits for successful candidates:

  • Tuition fees.
  • Visa application costs (€192).
  • Health & liability insurance (€700). 
  • Living expenses: € 12,350 for 13 months or € 23,750 for 25 months.
  • Additional pre-academic training costs.

Also, check out Fully Funded Turkey Government Scholarships 2024.

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Apply Now: Fully Funded Politecnico Di Milano Scholarships 2024-2025 in Italy.

Eligible Programs

Aspiring scholars can choose from a range of graduate programs tailored to various interests and academic pursuits:

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences:

  • MA European Public Affairs
  • MA Globalisation and Development Studies
  • MA Media Studies: Digital Cultures

Faculty of Law:

  • LLM European Law School: spec. European Business Law
  • LLM European Law School: spec. European Public Law & Governance
  • LLM European Law School: spec. General programme
  • LLM European Law School: spec. Law of Sustainable Europe
  • LLM Forensics, Criminology, and Law
  • LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. Corporate and Commercial Law
  • LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. General programme
  • LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. Human Rights
  • LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. International Trade and Investment Law
  • LLM International and European Tax Law: spec. International and European Tax Law
  • LLM International and European Tax Law: spec. Customs and International Supply Chain Taxation
  • LLM International and European Tax Law: spec. Tax and Technology
  • LLM Advanced Master in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management
  • MSc Advanced Master in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences:

  • MSc Epidemiology
  • MSc Global Health
  • MSc Governance and Leadership in European Public Health
  • MSc Health Education and Promotion
  • MSc Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management
  • MSc Human Movement Sciences: spec. Health and Rehabilitation
  • MSc Human Movement Sciences: spec. Sports and Nutrition
  • MSc Work, Health and Career
  • Health and Digital Transformation

Faculty of Science and Engineering:

  • MSc Systems Biology
  • MSc Imaging and engineering

Faculty of Psychology & Neuroscience:

  • MSc Forensic Psychology
  • MSc Psychology: spec. Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Drug Development and Neurohealth

School of Business and Economics:

  • MSc Sustainability Science, Policy, & Society
  • MSc International Business specialization Managerial Decision-Making and Control
  • MSc Human Decision Science
  • MSc International Business specialization Marketing-Finance

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for this esteemed scholarship, applicants must meet specific criteria:

  • Be a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland.
  • The person should have gained admission to a full-time Masters program at Maastricht University for the 2024-2025 academic year. 
  • Age not exceeding 35 years by September 1, 2024.
  • Possessing a stellar academic track record. 
  • Applicants should not have previously participated in a degree-seeking higher education program in the Netherlands.

Also, you may apply for the Emile Boutmy Scholarship 2024 for International Students to Study in France.

How to apply for the Maastricht University Scholarship

The application process is a two-step journey:

First, aspiring scholars must register for one of the eligible Master’s programs at Maastricht University to obtain a Student ID number. Applicants will need a Student ID number to complete the scholarship application.

Subsequently, complete the online scholarship application form, providing essential documents such as a comprehensive CV, a compelling letter of motivation, proof of academic excellence, and details of a reputable referee.

 Also, apply for the Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholarships for International Students 2024/ 2025| Study in USA

Instructions on the Documents to Upload

1. Curriculum Vitae (CV):

  • Ensure your CV is current and concise, limited to a maximum of two A4 pages.
  • Include relevant details about your education and professional experience.

2 Letter of Motivation:

  • Utilize the provided template to focus on your motivation for the scholarship.

3. Proof of Academic Excellence:

  • Provide one of the following documents:
  • a. University transcript explicitly stating your grade point average or class ranking for the entire study program.
    • b. A signed letter from the Head of Department or Registrar confirming your position among the top 20 students in the graduating year. Include contact details.

4. Personal Statement of Financial Needs:

  • Explain why you would benefit from the scholarship.
  • Describe personal circumstances such as financial difficulties, sole parent/caretaking responsibilities, medical conditions, disabilities, refugee status, etc.

5. Reference Letter:

  • Share the scholarship reference letter guidelines with your referee.
  • Referees should be (former) professors, lecturers, or employers, excluding family members.
  • Ensure the letter is dated and written no earlier than February 2023.

6. Contact Details of One Referee:

  • Specify the relationship with your referee (professor, thesis supervisor, employer, etc.).
  • Provide the work telephone number with the country calling code.
  • Include the work or institutional email address; do not provide their email.

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